Profitap Professional Services

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Investing in new and advanced network monitoring solutions is a significant step towards optimizing your network performance and security and ensuring seamless operations.

To help you make the most of Profitap’s smart network visibility solutions, we offer professional services and training programs to give new and existing customers a flying start.

Our highly skilled and experienced professionals are committed to providing you with the guidance, support, and knowledge you need to use these solutions to their maximum potential.

Whether you are just starting out or looking to enhance your existing infrastructure, our services and training programs are tailored to meet your unique requirements.


Our Professional Services

Jumpstart your product onboarding

Solution Consultation Free

Our experts will work closely with you to understand your network monitoring goals, assess your current infrastructure, and provide personalized recommendations to implement monitoring solutions in your infrastructure. We will help you choose the right solutions, configure them to align with your needs, and ensure a smooth integration into your network environment.

Performance Optimization

Once your solutions are up and running, our experts will fine-tune your network monitoring setup to ensure optimal performance. We will help you set up customized monitoring profiles, establish alerts and notifications, and provide ongoing support to help you leverage the full potential of your network infrastructure.

Installation and Configuration

Our dedicated team will assist you in installing and configuring your Profitap network monitoring solutions. We understand that every network is unique, and our professionals will ensure that the deployment process is smooth, efficient, and minimally disruptive to your operations.

Troubleshooting and Support

Our team is always ready to assist you in resolving any issues or challenges you may encounter. We provide timely and reliable support, diagnosing and troubleshooting network problems to minimize downtime and keep your operations running smoothly.

Our Training Programs

Refresh your knowledge in an ever-changing industry

Product Introduction

We offer comprehensive training programs to equip you with in-depth knowledge of our Profitap network monitoring solutions. Our product introduction courses include product features, configuration, and best practices. Whether you are a novice or an experienced user, our training programs are designed to enhance your proficiency and empower you to make the most of our solutions.

Network Monitoring Best Practices

Understanding the ins and outs of network monitoring is crucial for optimizing your operations. Our training sessions focus on industry best practices, enabling you to effectively monitor and analyze network traffic, detect anomalies, and proactively address potential issues. Gain valuable insights into network performance management and learn how to leverage our solutions for maximum efficiency.

*This training program is presented by handpicked packet analysis experts to ensure the best focus on your particular needs

Advanced Troubleshooting Techniques

Troubleshooting network issues can be complex, but with our advanced training, you can become proficient in identifying and resolving even the most challenging problems. We delve into advanced troubleshooting techniques, protocol analysis, and packet-level inspection, empowering you to diagnose and fix issues quickly and effectively.

*This training program is presented by handpicked packet analysis experts to ensure the best focus on your particular needs

Profitap is committed to your success.

Our professional services and training programs are designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to extract the maximum value from your network monitoring solutions.

Take advantage of our expertise, and let us help you optimize your network performance, enhance security, and drive business efficiency.

Contact us to explore how Profitap Professional Services and Training can assist you on your network monitoring journey.

Results of our professional services

We’ve delivered tailored solutions to support our customers where no others could



The IOTA 1G M12 is a multifunctional passive network probe with integrated traffic capture and analysis capabilities.

With high performance and reliability, it is a great asset to get access and visibility into industrial or enterprise level networks. Profitap IOTA can be used as a dedicated probe, or programmed for autonomous onsite analysis, eliminating the need of an onsite network expert.

Secure TAPs


10M/100M/1G copper TAP with diode feature protecting the network from data injection from the monitor ports.

Designed in line with the recommendations from the National Cybersecurity Agency of France (ANSSI), recognized by the BSI, Profitap’s hardened network TAPs are manufactured to meet the highest security standards and the expectations of Critical Infrastructures within the framework of the French Military Programming Law of 2005.

Did You Know?

You may contact our Technical Support if you have difficulties during the installation or subsequent use of a Profitap product:
Most of our products are supplied from stock, which means we can ship via next-day courier service.
Read our blog articles and latest findings.
Read step-by-step guides and technical documentation on our Knowledge Base.